The Garnished Palate

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Bombolini For The Boy

My dearest Christopher, I wish you were here to make these with me so we could eat them together again...

Not too long ago when you took me to Marea for lunch, we had a surprise dessert course with a few fluffy puffs called Bombolini. I think you liked those more than the rest of the meal, right? When we learned about the cuisine of Toscana in school we had to recreate these yeasty, Italian-like doughnuts, and ironically I was asked to make them. I just remember thinking of how happy you were in that moment we ate them together and how full we were, but you couldn't stop yourself from having the last one I gave up for you (thats my boy)! 

I wish you could have tasted these fresh out of the fryer, in each stage they came; before sugar, with sugar, and filled with chocolate and pomegranate jam, while hot, and at room temp, so you can tell me what you thought of them all over again. You would have been taken aback, to the memory of Christmas in New York, when you ate your first with me.