One Pot Coconut Pasta and my Checklist

PowerHouse Productions finally wrapped the first season of a design and food show after many trips to California and back! I am always grateful to be a part of their team as Associate Culinary Producer.

My first meal back on the east coast this time was a little lazy, because well, I was trying to catch up on dozen of hours of sleep I had missed so badly (only with slight exaggeration). I sautéed a red onion and red cabbage with turmeric and smoked paprika- 2 of my favorite spices- tossed in spaghetti I had broken into quarter pieces and poured over a little bit of coconut milk and a spoonful of miso! It was pretty darn good for a one potter.

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My days after a long trip are filled with writing lists to catch up on what needs to be done! So I like to lounge around grazing on food, usually something I made a smallish pot of and then begin crossing things off my check list… like this blog post that I’ve been needing to write for so long!!! And the fact that I am awaiting a large package of pasta any day now! Soon I will be able to elaborate on what this is all about. Stay curious!

Also, I am very excited because I will be going to Wisconsin of all places at the end of this month! I received a scholarship from Jones Dairy Farm through the CIA some time ago and have been invited to a retreat of sorts. I cannot wait to meet Mr. Jones and his family and tell you all about it. I have heard so many lovely things about the family and the farm. Any time I go to my local Gristedes and see their products I think, wow, how cool is this!